Monday 14 August 2017

Forex perusahaan di mysore

Bank Negara Bagian Mysore LAPORAN DEWAN DIREKSI 1. DISKUSI DAN ANALISIS MANAJEMEN 1.1. Skenario Ekonomi Makro dan Lingkungan Perbankan. Aktivitas ekonomi global telah ditandai oleh berbagai persepsi risiko penurunan terhadap pemulihan di beberapa negara maju (AE) dengan pertumbuhan yang lemah dan peningkatan inflasi di tengah kondisi keuangan yang semakin ketat di Emerging Market Economy (EME). Di seluruh EME, fundamental domestik yang lemah, permintaan eksternal yang tidak memuaskan dan kendala spesifik negara terus menahan pertumbuhan. Ketidaknyamanan yang terjadi di pasar keuangan bisa terhambat oleh kembalinya risiko dari sentimen investor karena data yang berkaitan dengan inflasi China atau AS. Di bagian dalam negeri, hujan dan hujan yang tidak alami telah merusak beberapa tanaman musim dingin meskipun kegiatan pertanian tetap bertahan, menunjukkan bahwa perkiraan impotensi GVA diperkirakan akan tercapai. Dengan persepsi yang membaik mengenai kondisi ekonomi secara keseluruhan, indeks manajer pembelian manufaktur (PMI) menunjukkan ekspektasi bisnis untuk Q1 2016821117 menjadi positif. Aktivitas sektor jasa berkembang dengan mantap berubah menjadi pendorong utama H2. Layanan PMI tetap dalam mode ekspansi selama H2 pada bisnis baru dan harapan. Prospek layanan dalam survei optimis untuk triwulan 1 tahun 2016821117. Inflasi eceran yang diukur oleh indeks harga konsumen (IHK) turun karena penurunan harga sayuran yang lebih besar dari perkiraan. Inflasi di kelompok bahan bakar dimoderasi di listrik, minyak tanah, gas masak dan kayu bakar, mengurangi tekanan pada inflasi pedesaan. Namun, inflasi IHK naik tipis di beberapa sektor yang mengindikasikan keterbatasan kapasitas dan tidak mungkin mendapat bantuan dari penghargaan Komisi Pembayaran ke-7, penghargaan dan biaya pensiun yang rendah dari kenaikan tarif pajak layanan. Akan tetapi, akan ada beberapa tekanan penurunan dari permintaan hangat dalam ekonomi global, ukuran efektif dari sisi pemerintah dan komitmen terpuji terhadap konsolidasi fiskal. Pemulihan pertumbuhan yang tidak merata pada tahun 2015821116 cenderung menguat, dengan asumsi musim hujan normal, cenderung mendorong konsumsi, rekomendasi Komisi Pembayaran 7 dan OROP. Proyeksi pertumbuhan GVA untuk 2016821117 dipertahankan sebesar 7,6 persen. 1.1.3. Kerangka Likuiditas untuk Operasi Kebijakan Moneter Kondisi likuiditas diperketat sejak pertengahan tahun 2000Dari bulan Desember dengan memperhitungkan kredit bank dan mobilisasi setir flatter. Reserve Bank melakukan operasi likuiditas melalui lelang pelongsong tingkat suku bunga yang bervariasi di samping mengurangi rasio likuiditas wajib (manual) sebesar 25 basis poin dari 21,5 persen menjadi 21,25 persen. Arus masuk bersih dalam bentuk kuat di Q4. Investor portofolio asing (FPI), menjadi pembeli bersih di bulan Maret di segmen ekuitas dan hutang. Penurunan tingkat tabungan kecil pada bulan Maret 2016, penyempurnaan dalam kerangka pengelolaan likuiditas dan pengenalan biaya marjinal dana berbasis suku bunga pinjaman (MCLR) memperbesar dampak pemotongan suku bunga kebijakan. 1.1.4. Langkah-langkah Moneter dan Likuiditas Berdasarkan penilaian situasi makroekonomi saat ini dan yang berkembang, RBI telah memutuskan untuk: mengurangi tingkat repo kebijakan di bawah fasilitas penyesuaian likuiditas (liquid capital adjustment facility / LAF) sebesar 25 basis poin dari 6,75 persen menjadi 6,5 persen mengurangi minimum Pemeliharaan harian rasio cadangan kas (CRR) dari 95 persen kebutuhan sampai 90 persen terus memberikan likuiditas sesuai kebutuhan namun secara progresif menurunkan rata-rata likuiditas ex ante ke posisi yang mendekati netralitas memperkecil koridor tingkat kebijakan dari 8211100 basis poin. (Bps) menjadi 8211 50 bps dengan mengurangi tingkat MSF sebesar 75 basis poin dan meningkatkan tingkat repo terbalik sebesar 25 basis poin, dengan maksud untuk memastikan keselarasan yang lebih baik dari rata-rata tertimbang tingkat panggilan (WACR) dengan tingkat repo Akibatnya, sebaliknya Tingkat repo di bawah standar LAF disesuaikan menjadi 6,0 persen, dan fasilitas standing standal (MSF) mencapai 7,0 persen. 1.2. EKONOMI KARNATAKA 1.2.1. Perekonomian Karnatakas sebagian besar berorientasi pada pelayanan, dengan 64 pendapatan negara berasal dari sektor jasa, 26 dari sektor industri dan hanya 8 berasal dari sektor pertanian. Penurunan sektor pertanian disebabkan oleh kekeringan atau kekeringan seperti situasi yang berlaku selama 3 tahun terakhir yang menyebabkan kesusahan bagi masyarakat petani selain mempengaruhi hasil produksinya. 1.2.2. Karnataka disebut sebagai Knowledge amp Innovation Capital, Silicon Valley, RampD Hub dan Startup Hub. Ini adalah negara dengan hubungan kerja yang paling damai, menawarkan jumlah tertinggi sekolah internasional, sebagian besar lembaga pelatihan industri dan perguruan tinggi teknik teknik tertinggi ke-2 di negara ini. Kontribusi negara bagian Karnatakas terhadap GDP negara naik dari 5,5 menjadi 7 setelah memasukkan koreksi dalam metodologi estimasi dengan mempertimbangkan kontribusi yang besar dari sektor TI. Karnataka adalah pusat biotek terbesar (28 semua perusahaan biotek India), pengekspor perangkat lunak terbesar 8211 40 Ekspor perangkat lunak negara, jumlah startup terbesar (36 5 dari 8 Unicorn India), jumlah terbesar pusat RampD (44), produsen terbesar Kopi (71 keluaran nasional). Bengaluru menempati tempat terbaik untuk tinggal dan bekerja untuk ekspatriat di India dengan infrastruktur sosial dan budaya kosmopolitan yang luar biasa. 1.2.3. Tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi Karnatakas telah melambat dari 7,8 persen selama 2014821115 menjadi 6,2 persen selama tahun 2015821116, disebabkan oleh kekeringan di 137 taluk selama kharif dan 62 taluks selama musim panen rabi yang mengakibatkan turunnya produksi biji-bijian makanan sebesar 16 lac ton . Sektor jasa tumbuh 9,1 persen sementara sektor industri diperkirakan akan mencatat pertumbuhan 4,5 persen. 1.2.4. Pertumbuhan bisnis Bank kita sangat bergantung pada ekonomi Karnataka, karena 82 cabang (850 dari 1.037 cabang, seperti pada 31.03.2016) berada di Karnataka. Ukuran anggaran dan rencana negara 20168211 17 mempertimbangkan total pengeluaran Rs.1,63,419 crs pada berbagai aktivitas pembangunan dan fungsi peraturan Pemerintah, yang mencakup Pengeluaran Pendapatan Rs.1,30,236 crs, Pengeluaran Modal Rs.26.371 crs. GoK berencana mendirikan 2 kota industri townshipsmart di Davanagere dan Belgaum selain SEZ yang telah direncanakan di Tumkur, yang akan memberikan peluang pertumbuhan ekonomi yang meningkat dan Sektor Perbankan yang lebih khusus. Penyampaian pipa gas Mumbai8211Bangalore akan memberikan dorongan lebih lanjut untuk usaha tersebut 2. TINJAUAN OPERASI PERBANKAN 2.1. Pangsa Pasar dan Pertumbuhan Bisnis: Tingkat bisnis Bank dan posisi pangsa pasar dalam beberapa tahun terakhir diperlengkapi di bawah ini: 8211 2.1.2. Pertumbuhan Deposito cukup mengesankan, dengan agregat mencapai tingkat Rs.70.244 crs, pertumbuhan Rs.5.186 crs dari tahun sebelumnya pada tingkat 8. Pertumbuhan deposit Non Bulk di 16,4 selaras dengan Tren masa lalu dan sesuai dengan kebijakan sadar kita tentang menumpahkan curah hujan dengan biaya tinggi. Namun, pertumbuhan Uang Muka telah lamban akibat iklim investasi yang terjaga sehingga menghasilkan uang muka yang rendah terutama di Sektor Korporat. Total uang muka telah mencapai tingkat Rs.55.418 crs, mencatat pertumbuhan Rs.2,122 crs dari tahun sebelumnya pada tingkat pertumbuhan 4,0. Pada tanggal 18.03.2016, pangsa pasar Bank Simpanan menurun menjadi 0,73 seiring dengan pangsa pasar Uang Muka Bank yang mengalami penurunan menjadi 0,74 dari 0,78. Karena sesuai dengan pedoman RBI mengenai Asset Quality Review, Bank harus membuat ketentuan yang jauh lebih tinggi mengenai kemajuan StandardRestructured, sehingga berdampak negatif pada parameter Kualitas Aktiva dan parameter profitabilitas. Total Pendapatan Bank meningkat 3, dari Rs.7,708 crs pada Maret 2015 menjadi Rs.7.938 crs pada bulan Maret 2016. Pendapatan Bunga meningkat dari Rs.6,940 crs menjadi Rs.7,128 crs (2,7). Rata-rata Yield on Advances turun dari 11,11 pada 2014821115 menjadi 10,49 pada tahun 2015821116, sementara Average Yield on Investments turun dari 7,74 pada bulan Maret 2015 menjadi 7,72 pada periode yang sama. Pendapatan Bunga Non8211 meningkat sedikit demi sedikit dari 5 dari Rs.767 crs menjadi Rs.810 crs. Rasio Pendapatan Non8211Interest terhadap Total Income, oleh karena itu, berada pada level 10.20 (9.96 tahun lalu). Total Pengeluaran (sebelum ketentuan dan kontinjensi) meningkat sebesar Rs.310 crs, dari Rs.6,376 crs pada 2014821115 menjadi Rs.6,686 crs pada tahun 2015821116. Sementara Beban Bunga meningkat sebesar Rs.159 crs (3.3), Beban Operasional meningkat sebesar Rs .150 crs (9.9) selama tahun berjalan. Namun, Rata-rata Biaya Simpanan turun dari 7,25 pada bulan Maret 2015 sampai 6,87 pada bulan Maret 2016 karena penurunan suku bunga PolicyBank dan pengirimannya ke pelanggan, kenaikan pangsa CASA dari 33,73 (31.03,15) menjadi 34,6 (31,03,16) di samping Penurunan deposit curah dengan biaya lebih tinggi. Laba Operasional turun dari Rs.1.331 crs pada 2014821115 menjadi Rs.1,252 crs pada tahun 2015821116. Laba Bersih turun dari Rs.409 menjadi Crs.358 crs. Penurunan Laba Usaha telah moderat 6 dengan kenaikan beban bunga hanya 3 , Meski terjadi kenaikan basis deposit dan akibatnya kenaikan biaya pelayanan berupa Staff dan Overhead. Namun penurunan Laba Bersih telah menurun sebesar 12 di atas tahun sebelumnya, akibatnya pada ketentuan tambahan yang dijamin oleh AQR. Dengan mengingat kebutuhan untuk memperkuat modal Tier I Bank dalam skenario ekonomi saat ini, Dewan Direksi telah mengumumkan pembagian dividen 60 (Rs.6 per saham Ekuitas Rs.108211) untuk tahun 20158211 16. Ini melibatkan Membayar Rs.28,80 crs, tidak termasuk komponen pajaknya. Rasio gaji untuk dividen mencapai 8,05, terhadap 7.05 untuk 2014821115. 3. TINJAUAN BISNIS Total Simpanan Bank tumbuh sebesar Rs.4,505 crs, untuk mencapai level Rs.70,569 crs. Deposito Agregat (total deposito diluar simpanan antar bank) tercatat sebesar Rs.70,244 crs pada Maret 2016, mencatat pertumbuhan Rs,5,186 crs (8) sepanjang tahun. Porsi deposito CASA ke Deposito Agregat meningkat dari 33,73 di bulan Maret 2015 menjadi 34,6 di bulan Maret 2016. 3.1.1. Deposito Segmen Pribadi Setoran segmen pribadi tumbuh sebesar Rs.5.164 crs, mencatat pertumbuhan 13,5 untuk mencapai level Rs.43.507 crs pada tanggal 31 Maret 2016 dan sekarang mencapai 62 dari total deposit. Deposit NRE mencatat pertumbuhan sebesar 17, SB sampai 16 dan Term Deposit sebesar 13. Jumlah rekening deposito di segmen Personal telah meningkat sebesar 8,92,123 selama tahun 3.1.2 Untuk lebih meningkatkan pertumbuhan deposito di segmen Personal, dua produk deposito baru Diperkenalkan yaitu Vidyarthi Sanchay 8211 sebuah rekening Bank Tabungan Skema yang menargetkan siswa pada kelompok usia 10821118 tahun dan Mybank Sudhan 8211 merupakan skema Deposito Non8211callable di kisaran Rs.15 lac sampai Rs.10 cr dengan tambahan insentif bunga untuk opsi pembayaran prematur di atas. Deposito. 3.1.3 SKALA PENDIDIKAN DAN AWAL FASILITAS (DEAF) 2014 Sesuai dengan amandemen Undang-Undang Pengaturan Perbankan, 1949, dan berdasarkan ketentuan pasal 26A yang disisipkan, jumlah kredit dari rekening manapun di India dengan Bank manapun, yang memiliki Tidak dioperasi untuk jangka waktu 10 tahun dan lebih akan dikreditkan ke IMF dalam jangka waktu tiga bulan sejak berakhirnya jangka waktu sepuluh tahun tersebut. Jumlah yang harus dibayar dalam Skema ini akan ditransfer ke rekening DEAF dengan Reserve Bank of India sebelum penutupan jam kerja bank pada hari kerja terakhir setiap bulannya. Bank sejauh ini telah memindahkan sejumlah Rs.57,95 crs ke akun DEAF mulai Juni 2014 sampai Desember 2015 dan mengajukan klaim sebesar Rs.28.75 lac sehubungan dengan 75 akun. 3.2. Ekspansi Kredit 3.2.1. Total kemajuan Bank meningkat dari Rs.53.296 crs menjadi Rs.55.418 crs, sehingga mencatat pertumbuhan Rs.2,122 crs (4,0) sepanjang tahun. Uang muka bersih (yaitu setelah dikurangi dengan Ketentuan terkait NPA, dan outstanding dari Staf Festival Advance) Bank meningkat dari Rs.52.025 crs pada bulan Maret 2015 menjadi Rs.53.954 crs. Rasio Deposito Simpanan Bank turun dari 81,9 di bulan Maret 2015 menjadi 79,67 pada bulan Maret 2016 karena pendekatan kami yang sangat selektif dalam melakukan pemaparan lebih lanjut di sektor Korporasi yang telah mencatat penurunan 3.Halever segmen ritel lainnya telah mencatat keseluruhan pertumbuhan 11,3 3.2. 2 Jaringan Korporasi: Bank Kami memiliki Jaringan Korporat yang terdiri dari 11 cabang besar yang tersebar di Metro dan pusat-pusat besar lainnya di negara ini, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Korporasi besar. Jaringan Perusahaan Bank telah mencapai tingkat bisnis sebesar Rs.29.949,96 crs, terdiri dari Rs.3,156.72 crs deposito amp Rs.26.793,24 crs uang muka, seperti pada 31.03.2016. Kredit oleh kantor cabang CNW berjumlah 48 dari total uang muka dan 89 uang muka CampI dari Bank kami. Kelesuan ekonomi yang berkepanjangan telah mempengaruhi pertumbuhan portofolio kemajuan Perusahaan. Untuk mengatasi pertumbuhan aset yang mengalami gangguan, Bank telah secara sadar memindahkan portofolio ke tingkat investasi dan di atas BBB atau di atas, yang menyumbang 64 dari jumlah uang muka. Strategi ini sudah mulai menghasilkan hasil yang diinginkan. Tingginya insidensi NPA khususnya di sektor Korporasi dapat dikaitkan dengan pedoman RBI mengenai Tinjauan Kualitas Aktiva, yang mengharuskan reklasifikasi uang muka yang telah direstrukturisasi sebagai NPA. Pedoman tersebut telah mempengaruhi garis bawah semua Bank dengan tingkat keparahan yang bervariasi. Bank telah melakukan banyak tindakan seperti perbaikan rektifikasi di bawah JLF, penjualan aset dan penghapusan prinsip kehati-hatian untuk mengimbangi kenaikan NPA karena skenario ekonomi industri pasar. Total Perputaran Forex CNW berada di Rs.59.688,57 crs, mencakup 91 dari total Bank Forex Turnover dan menyumbang 88 dari total pendapatan Forex Bank. Pertumbuhan AAA ke A grade kemajuan ECR adalah 41. 3.2.3. Komite Kredit: Komite Kredit pertama kali dibentuk pada bulan Mei 2002, untuk memfasilitasi pengambilan keputusan melalui pendekatan komite untuk memberikan sentuhan yang lebih profesional terhadap penilaian kredit, oleh diskusi terbatas mengenai faktor risiko. Dua komite telah dibentuk di kantor pusat. HOCC8211I diketuai oleh Managing Director dan HOCC8211II yang diketuai oleh Chief General Manager (CB) dengan CGMGMs sebagai anggota komite. Bank telah menyelenggarakan 48 HOCC8211I dan 43 Rapat HOCC8211II, masing-masing, pada tahun 2015821116, untuk memfasilitasi pertumbuhan uang muka. Selain HOCC di atas, untuk memberikan kredit dan konsekuensi yang lebih cepat untuk devolusi kekuatan yang lebih luas ke Jaringan, 4 Komite Kredit Jaringan dengan General Manager Jaringan sebagai Ketua dibentuk dan 191 pertemuan diadakan secara keseluruhan. Komite serupa juga dibentuk di tingkat kantor Zonal amp Regional. Masing-masing ZOCC amp ROCC. 3.3 Kemajuan Segmen Pribadi: Kemajuan segmen pribadi mencatat pertumbuhan rekor Rs.1,675 crs (15,95) untuk mencapai tingkat Rs.12.175 crs dengan pinjaman Perumahan sendiri mencatat pertumbuhan Rs.1,078 crs (20,07) untuk mencapai tingkat Rs .6,450 crs disamping kenaikan kredit Mobil sebesar Rs.143 crs (17.31) dan pinjaman pribadi sebesar Rs.249 crs (17.56). Bagian atas uang muka segmen pribadi terhadap jumlah uang muka telah meningkat dari pukul 19.69 pada Mar15 sampai dengan 21.95 pada Mar16 dan memberikan kontribusi 78 dari total kenaikan uang muka sepanjang tahun. Skema Pinjaman Perumahan yang baru, Namma Mane diperkenalkan untuk memenuhi Economic Weaker Sections (EWS) dan Lower Income Groups (LIG) di bawah PMAY, a Government. Skema Sponsored yang merupakan Pinjaman Sektor Prioritas Produk Pinjaman Emas yang Baru Skema Pinjaman Emas My Bank Flexi adalah skema cerukan untuk nasabah individual diperkenalkan di samping Combo Car Loan untuk peminjam pinjaman perumahan yang ada dengan konsesi dengan tingkat suku bunga. Skema beasiswa Rajiv Gandhi untuk memberikan pinjaman pendidikan kepada siswa yang termasuk ke dalam bagian tertinggal secara ekonomi untuk melanjutkan Studi Tinggi (selain kursus Teknik) yang dipromosikan oleh Pemerintah Karnataka, juga diperkenalkan. 3.4. Sektor Prioritas Pinjaman dan Perbankan Sosial: Total Sektor Prioritas Pinjaman Bank Mandiri mencapai Rs.22.388 crs pada Maret 2016, termasuk Sertifikat Partisipasi Bank Interbank (IBPC) sebesar Rs.525 crs. Yang dikeluarkan oleh Kaveri Grameena Bank, terhadap Rs.19.401 crs, (termasuk IBPC Rs.485 Crs) selama tahun sebelumnya yang berakhir pada bulan Maret 2015 sehingga mencatat pertumbuhan YoY 15,4. Ini berhasil mencapai 40 dari Adjusted Net Bank Credit (ANBC dari Rs.55.796 crs). Tingkat pertumbuhan dari kemajuan ini adalah seperti di bawah: Pertanian: Total kemajuan Pertanian meningkat sebesar 14,8 dari Rs.10,643 crs (termasuk IBP dari Rs.485 crs dan investasi RIDF Rs.2, 172 crs) menjadi Rs.12.216 crs (termasuk IBP dari Rs .525 crs dan investasi RIDF sebesar Rs.2,228 crs) sepanjang tahun. Kemajuan pertanian segar untuk lagu Rs.3.040 crs diberikan sanksi kepada 1.82 petani lakh pada TA 15821116. Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM): Uang muka Bank kepada Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah pada akhir TA16 berdiri pada Rs .5,973 crs terhadap Rs.5,100 crs selama tahun yang berakhir pada bulan Maret, 2015 mendaftarkan pertumbuhan Y8211o8211Y 17. Personal amp Services Banking (PampSB): Kemajuan Bank ke segmen PampSB di bawah sektor prioritas mencapai Rs.3.901 CRS pada 31.03. 2016 terhadap Rs.3,491 crs selama tahun yang berakhir pada bulan Maret, 2015 mendaftarkan pertumbuhan Y8211o8211Y 12,9. 3.5. Keuangan Pertanian: Total uang muka pertanian naik dari Rs.9124 turun ke Rs.9463 pada tahun 2015-1117 16 mendaftarkan pertumbuhan 3,7 dari tahun sebelumnya. Bank telah melampaui tolok ukur 18 yang ditetapkan untuk kemajuan pertanian dengan mencapai tingkat 22 dari Adjusted Net Bank Credit (ANBC), selain 7,61 untuk petani marjinal kecil dengan tolok ukur 7. 3.5.1. Bank menerapkan pendekatan saturasi kredit sehingga mencakup semua petani yang tidak memenuhi syarat untuk membiayai kebutuhan pertanian mereka. Bank dengan berkonsultasi dengan NABARD mengumpulkan data yang berkaitan dengan tren yang muncul di segmen pertanian di semua 30 distrik di Negara Bagian Karnataka dan oleh karena itu, potensi bijak kabupaten yang tersedia untuk pembiayaan dengan berbagai aktivitas tersedia di cabang-cabangnya. Bank juga aktif berpartisipasi dalam berbagai Agri ExpoMela untuk menyebarkan pesan tersebut. Materi publisitas seperti spanduk dan pamflet dengan fokus khusus pada skema KCC yang telah direvisi amp Rumah kaca Netofil Rumah kaca ditampilkan untuk petani. 3.5.2. Rencana Kredit Pertanian Khusus. (SACP): Posisi pencairan di bawah target SACP vis82118211vis dilengkapi seperti di bawah. Inisiatif berikut diambil untuk meningkatkan aliran kredit ke Segmen Pertanian. Selama TA 2015821116, Pemerintah Karnataka mengumumkan 136 talukas saat kekeringan melanda. Semua cabang di Karnataka menganggap rephasement restrukturisasi iuran dari petani yang dalam kesulitan. Pembiayaan tambahan dengan cara produksi dan kredit investasi juga diberikan kepada petani tersebut. Bank telah menyetujui Pinjaman Emas sebesar Rs.628 crores dengan Kredit Serba Guna untuk memenuhi kebutuhan beragam petani secara langsung. Subvensi Bunga 2 agregat dimuka menjadi Rs.22.72 crs amp 3 subvensi tambahan untuk petani membayar segera yang mengumpulkan Rs.23.29 crs telah diteruskan ke petani selama TA 2015821116. Untuk memberikan bantuan kepada petani yang menderita tertekan di bawah kekeringan, OTS Skema diluncurkan dengan keuntungan yang cukup besar bagi petani karena mengesampingkan iuran mereka di samping penyediaan uang muka segar. 1.819 rekening sebesar Rs.26 crs diselesaikan. 3.5.3 LAYANAN BERBASIS NILAI TAMBAHAN YANG DIBERIKAN kepada PETANI: Di bawah Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan, kami telah menyiapkan Pusat Diseminasi Pengetahuan Pertanian (AKDC) di ADB, Mandya, yang memberi pengetahuan tentang tren terkini di sektor Pertanian. Sebagai bagian dari kepatuhan terhadap arahan dari Pemerintah India, Bank telah menerbitkan sekitar 11.026 kartu ATM Rupay Kisan kepada pemegang rekening KCC yang memenuhi syarat selama tahun ini telah mencapai 57,53 pertanggungan. 3.6 Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (Manufaktur): Total kredit untuk Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (Manufaktur) Bank kita mencapai Rs.2,511 crs untuk tahun yang berakhir pada bulan Maret 2016 terhadap Rs.2.781 crs pada bulan Maret 2015, mencatat penurunan Rs.270 crs (YoY 9.7) karena klasifikasi ulang dan pengalihan industri berbasis Makanan Amp Agro sebesar Rs.966 crs ke Agri. Sektor 3.7 Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (Jasa): Total kredit ke Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (Layanan) Bank kita pada bulan Maret 2016 mencapai Rs.3,362 crs terhadap Rs.2,468 crs pada bulan Maret 2015, mendaftarkan sebuah Kenaikan Rs.576 crs (YoY 35) sepanjang tahun. 3.7.1. Selama tahun yang berakhir pada bulan Maret 2016, Bank telah melakukan berbagai inisiatif untuk meningkatkan aliran kredit ke sektor UMKM. Produk utama di bawah segmen UMKM telah ditinjau dan dibuat lebih menarik bagi pelanggan. Tingkat suku bunga juga telah direvisi turun dan keuntungan substansial dari penurunan Tingkat Dasar telah diteruskan kepada peminjam. Program Hubungan Pelanggan dan Nasabah Bertemu untuk memperkuat hubungan dengan klien UMKM diatur di berbagai pusat seperti Bengaluru, Mysuru, Hosur , Tirupur dan lain-lain. Lokakarya Seri Pengetahuan UKM One8211day diselenggarakan di Bengaluru pada tanggal 22 Desember 2015, sehubungan dengan Dun amp Bradstreet, bagi pengusaha UMKM untuk menjelaskan kepada mereka berbagai produk yang ditawarkan oleh kami selain melakukan usaha yang tulus untuk memberikan penghargaan yang lebih baik kepada Kebutuhan dan kesulitan mereka yang dihadapi mereka pada umumnya. 3.7.2. Bank telah berpartisipasi dalam berbagai pameran yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Industri seperti ASSOCHAM, FKCCI, dll., Untuk meningkatkan visibilitas dan juga memasarkan produk UMKM di samping mengorganisir kampanye pinjaman Udyog Mitra UMKM sehingga menghasilkan sanksi baru terhadap rs.657,51 crs yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. 5.473 penerima UMKM. 3.7.3. Selama FY16, Bank telah menandatangani MOU dengan Industrial Finance Corporation of India Limited (IFCI) dan meluncurkan Skema Penjaminan Peningkatan Kredit untuk skema Schedule Caste (CEGSSC) yang mencakup jaminan untuk pinjaman yang diberikan secara eksklusif kepada pengusaha milik Jadwal Cast Sampai tingkat Rs.5 crores. 3.7.5. Lendings under MUDRA Scheme: Pemerintah India telah meluncurkan Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) untuk mendanai kelompok eksklusi yang tidak didanai dan keuangan termasuk bagian masyarakat yang lebih lemah dan untuk membantu perusahaan non-produksi di bidang manufaktur, perdagangan dan jasa dengan kebutuhan kredit sampai Rs .10.00 lacs. Bank telah proaktif dalam memberikan kredit berdasarkan skema tersebut dan bertentangan dengan target Rs.415 crores, Bank kami telah mencairkan Rs.813 crs. (196 dari target) yang mencakup 37.680 penerima manfaat. Karena kinerjanya bagus dalam penyaluran kredit MUDRA, Bank kami telah mendapatkan penghargaan Best Bank Award di bawah MUDRA Yojna untuk Emerging Bank8211 Runner Up oleh CIMMSE, New Delhi. 3.8. Skema Jaminan Kredit CGTMSE: Kami terus menawarkan bantuan keuangan gratis agunan kepada semua sektor UMKM yang memenuhi syarat. Semua pinjaman ke unit UMKM yang memenuhi syarat sampai Rs.100.00 lacs dikenai sanksi tanpa jaminan jaminan dengan menutupinya di bawah skema penjaminan CGTMSE. Bank saat ini menyerap biaya penjaminan dan biaya layanan tahunan sehubungan dengan semua batas pinjaman sampai dengan Rs.10 lacs. Kami telah mencakup 11.041 rekening sebesar Rs.734.15 crs. Di bawah jaminan CGTMSE pada bulan Maret 2016. 3.9. Bantuan untuk Bagian Masyarakat yang Lebih Lemah: Bank terus memberikan bantuan keuangan kepada Bagian-bagian Perhimpunan yang lemah yang terdiri dari petani marjinal kecil dengan kepemilikan lahan 5 hektar atau kurang, buruh tanpa lahan, petani penyewa, dan lain-lain. Industri pondok desa yang batasnya masing-masing Tidak melebihi Rs.50.0008211, SJSRY, SLRS, DRI, Self8211 Help Groups dan uang muka untuk penerima SCST. Jumlah yang terhutang di bawah tekanan ke Bagian Lemah mencapai Rs.6.417 crores pada akhir Maret 2016, yang merupakan 11,5 dari ANBC, dibandingkan dengan benchmark yang ditetapkan 10. 3.10. Bantuan untuk Pengusaha Wanita: Kami terus memberikan penekanan pada perluasan fasilitas kredit bebas kepada unit UMKM yang secara eksklusif dijalankan oleh pengusaha perempuan. Jumlah kredit Bank kepada pengusaha perempuan pada akhir Maret 2016 mencapai Rs.4,481 crores, mencakup 2.43.119 penerima manfaat, yang bekerja sampai jam 8 3.11. Langkah-langkah untuk memperbaiki kondisi ekonomi SCs STs: Bank telah memperluas semua dukungan untuk pengembangan SCSSTs untuk memastikan bahwa kredit yang memadai tersedia bagi anggota SCSST yang terlibat dalam berbagai profesi. Kredit tersedia untuk bagian masyarakat ini sesuai dengan departemen pengembangan tingkat negara bagian SCSSTs. Bantuan Bank kepada SCSST dengan berbagai skema pada akhir Maret 2016 berada di Rs.884 crails yang mencakup 1.10.327 penerima manfaat, yang merupakan 4 dari Kemajuan Sektor Prioritas. 3.12. Keuangan untuk Masyarakat Minoritas: Untuk mempromosikan kegiatan ekonomi di antara penerima manfaat yang berhak atas komunitas minoritas, Bank telah berpartisipasi aktif dalam prioritas nasional ini untuk mempromosikan kegiatan pemasyarakatan sendiri. Bantuan Bank kepada minoritas yang mendapat pemberitahuan di bawah berbagai skema pada akhir Maret 2016 mencapai Rs.2,117 crore yang mencakup 42.011 penerima manfaat, yang merupakan 9,5 dari Kemajuan Sektor Prioritas. 3.13. Skema Bantuan Pemerintah: Posisi bantuan yang diberikan oleh berbagai skema yang disponsori oleh Bank oleh Bank kita pada akhir Maret 2016 adalah sebagai berikut: 3.13.1 Program Pembentukan Tenaga Kerja Perdana Menteri (PMEGP): Pemerintah India telah meluncurkan skema Prime Menteri Tenaga Kerja Program Pembangkitan Tenaga Kerja (PMEGP) dengan menggabungkan Perdana Menteri sebelumnya Rozgar Yojana (PMRY) dan Khadi Amp Village Industries Commissions Rural Employment Generation Program (REGP) untuk memberdayakan pengusaha generasi pertama untuk mendirikan usaha mikro di seluruh negeri. Total kredit Bank dalam Skema PMEGP pada akhir 16 Maret mencapai Rs.68,6 crores yang mencakup 1.752 penerima manfaat .. 3.13.2 Skema Penghidupan Perkotaan Nasional (NULM) Bank Dunia telah memberikan bantuan dana sebesar Rs.16.1 crores di bawah skema NULM (Sebelumnya dikenal dengan skema SJSRY) sepanjang tahun ini menjadi 798 penerima manfaat. Total jumlah yang terutang di bawah skema NULM pada akhir Maret 2016 adalah Rs.36.1 crore yang mencakup 4.458 penerima manfaat. 3.13.3 Skema Differential Rate of Interest (DRI) Pinjaman dalam skema DRI di Bank kita mencapai Rs.12,4 crores pada akhir Maret 2016 yang mencakup 11.155 penerima manfaat dengan pangsa uang muka untuk penerima SCST sebesar Rs.5.3 crores 44 3.14.1. Total investasi Bank dalam sekuritas Pemerintah, sekuritas lain yang disetujui dan surat berharga Non8211SLR meningkat dari Rs.18.166 crs pada Maret 2015 menjadi Rs.20.229 crs pada Maret 2016. 3.14.2. Laba penjualan investasi meningkat dari Rs.125,33 crs di 20148211 15 menjadi Rs.131.18 crs pada tahun 2015821116. Selama tahun ini, pendapatan bunga dan dividen dari investasi, setelah dikurangi biaya amortisasi, mencatat pertumbuhan Rs.169,38 crs (13) di atas Maret, tingkat 2015 Rs.1,302.89 crs dan berdiri di Rs.1,472.27 crs. 3.14.3. Hasil investasi termasuk keuntungan penjualan sekuritas, turun dari 8,00 (2014821115) menjadi 7,91 (20158211 16), karena penurunan tingkat Repo sebesar 125 bps antara Januari 2015 dan Sep 2015. Hasil investasi, tidak termasuk laba, turun dari 7,73 Menjadi 7,72 selama periode yang sama. 3.14.4. Perputaran Devisa Bank pada tahun 2015821116 meningkat ke level Rs.582.755 crs (Merchant Turnover8211 Rs.65,555 crs dan Perputaran Perdagangan8211 Rs.517,200 crs) terhadap tingkat tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rs.403,102 crs (Merchant Turnover8211 Rs.51.904 crs and Trading Turnover8211 Rs.351.198 crs) menghasilkan keuntungan Rs.59.27 crs. 3.15. Perbankan Internasional 3.15.1 Tingkat Kredit Ekspor pada tanggal 31 Maret 2016 mencapai Rs.1,569 crs (Rs.1,617 crs pada tanggal 31 Maret 2015) yang merupakan 3 dari ANBC. Dengan tujuan untuk mendorong bisnis ekspor, seminar eksportir dilakukan di Tirupur dan Mysuru selama tahun anggaran 2015821116 selain menawarkan Kartu Emas Eksportir kepada unit ekspor yang memenuhi syarat. Bank telah melakukan pengaturan dengan dua bank asing untuk mendapatkan kredit Pembeli bagi pelanggan kami dengan harga terjangkau. 3.15.2 Simpanan NRI per 31.03.2016 tercatat sebesar Rs.1,785 crs terhadap Rs.1.526 crs, seperti pada 31.03.2015 yang terdiri dari simpanan RFC FCNR (B) sebesar Rs.309.66 crs dan NRENRO sebesar Rs.1,475 crs. 3.15.3 Sesuai tujuan Bank BPR, Bank telah membentuk lima TFCPC di Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai dan New Delhi. Selama TA 2013821114, 19 cabang lainnya, termasuk cabang CAB telah dikaitkan dengan TFCPCs, untuk mengkonsolidasikan pemrosesan garis depan dan memperluas layanan berkualitas kepada Eksportir. 3.15.4 Bank juga telah menawarkan Pinjaman Permintaan Mata Uang Asing (FCNR) kepada nasabahnya yang menunjukkan pertumbuhan marjinal dan mencapai 46,65 mio pada Mar16 terhadap 44,37 mio pada tahun sebelumnya. 3.16. Penjualan Cross Sepanjang tahun, lebih dari 23.474 nyawa diasuransikan melalui berbagai produk SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd dengan koleksi premium Rs.89 crs. Bank telah mengumpulkan premi Rs.24 crs sementara memasarkan Produk Asuransi Umum. Di bidang Investasi, Bank juga menawarkan produk Reksa Dana SBI dengan Asset Under Management yang berjumlah Rs.112 crs. Bank juga sumber aplikasi untuk penerbitan Kartu Kredit SBI. Bank Dunia telah memperoleh pendapatan Rs.14,18 crs dari Cross Selling Business selama TA 2015821116. 3.17 Bisnis Pemerintah: 3.17.1 Transaksi Pemerintah Negara Bagian: Bank telah menangani sebagian besar transaksi Pemerintah Karnataka selama enam dekade terakhir. Sekitar 88 dari total bisnis pemerintah kita berasal dari Pemerintah Negara Bagian. Transaksi dan omset secara langsung terkait dengan anggaran Pemerintah Negara Bagian. Perputaran Rs.78.266 crs telah dicapai pada tahun 2015821116 terhadap Rs.69,569 crs pada tahun 2014821115 dengan pertambahan bersih Rs.66.52 crs Komisi yang mewakili 92 pendapatan dari bisnis Pemerintah. SBM, yang menjadi bankir utama Pemerintah Karnataka juga bangga dikaitkan dengan Khajane II, sebuah proyek ambisius dari Pemerintah Karnataka yang bertujuan untuk mengintegrasikan semua pemangku kepentingan. GoK, RBI, Akuntan Umum dan Badan Bank sehingga memudahkan transaksi secara real time. 3.17.2 Transaksi Pemerintah Pusat: Selama tahun 2015821116, bisnis dari Departemen Pemerintah Pusat seperti Pos, Pertahanan, CBDT, CBEC dan bisnis dari berbagai Skema Pemerintah Pusat seperti Dana Providen Umum, Skema Tabungan Warga Negara, Akun Sukhanya Samridhi, Skema Pensiun Baru dll. Merupakan sekitar 12,46 dari total Perputaran Bisnis Pemerintah Bank. Perputaran bisnis kami dari Departemen Pemerintah Pusat selama tahun 2015821116 ditempatkan di Rs.11,133 crs dengan penghasilan komisi sebesar Rs.5.78 crs. Sepanjang tahun semua cabang kami telah diberi wewenang untuk membuka rekening PPF dan Sukhanya Samridhi. During 2015821116, our Bank has earned a commission of Rs.72.30 cr as against Rs.67.98 cr for the year 2014821115 Pressure on asset quality of banks under the sustained economic downturn, was a major concern during the FY15821116 for the Banking Industry as a whole. The process of cleaning up of bank balance sheets by the Regulator is underway and all the Banks in the country underwent a thorough asset quality review during the last two quarters of the FY 16. It had had severe impact on the profitability of the banks. The major sectors like iron and steel, infrastructure, aviation, mining, etc. continued to be major contributors towards increasing NPA portfolio of the banks. Added to this, the continued problem of drought in many parts of the State of Karnataka, where our majority of the branches are located, further added to the NPA portfolio of Bank. However, Bank has been taking steps to recognize the weaknesses in the loan accounts at the incipient stage so that corrective measures can be initiated before an account turns NPA. Bank has well defined system to monitor all such accounts. Even after an account turns NPA, recovery process is initiated immediately. The provisions of SARFAESI Act have been enforced in all the eligible collateralized advances to ensure early recoveries. During the second half, Bank held three Bank level Mega e8211auctions of properties and also participated in SBI Mega e8211auction, in which 442 properties properties valued at Rs.348.95 Crs were put on sale through e8211auction. Of this, 69 accounts amounting to Rs.5.13 Crs were upgraded, 24 accounts with balance outstanding Rs.3.17 accounts were closed and 15 properties were sold in e8211auctions resulting in a recovery of Rs.8.44 Crs. Bank has taken other steps also to recover the dues by way of strategic sale of assets to ARCs, vigorous followup of DRT cases, OTS Schemes for eligible MSME and AGRI borrowers and compromise settlements wherever warranted. Under the RBIs Framework for Revitalising Distressed Assets in the Economy, our Bank has been participating actively in the meetings of JLFs and implementing the decisions taken thereat within prescribed timelines. In respect of those corporates, where performance is not as per laid down benchmarks, steps are taken for change of Management by invoking RBI Guidelines on Strategic Debt Restructuring. Our Bank has already taken action in 6 accounts under these guidelines. All these measures have helped the Bank to keep the increasing trend under control. Accordingly, the GNPA and NNPA levels stood at Rs.3635.56 Crs (6.56) and Rs.2257.18 Crs (4.18) respectively as on 31st March 2016 compared to the levels of GNPA and NNPA as on 31st March 2015 at Rs.2136.425 Crs (4) and Rs.1121.58 Crs (2.16) respectively. However, the position of GNPA and NNPA as on 31.03.2016, without considering the AQR accounts amounting to Rs.1213.37 Crs (Provision added Rs.384.10 Crs) works out to Rs.2422.19 (4.37) and Rs.1427.92 Crs (2.63) respectively. 3.20 LEAD BANK SCHEME: The Bank has been discharging lead Bank responsibilities in 3 districts viz. Mysore, Charmarajnagar and Tumkur. The Annual Credit Plan for 2016821117 has been launched with the combined annual credit plan target for all Banks in 3 districts going up from Rs.11,600 crs to Rs.14,624 crs, at a growth rate of 26. The Block Level Bankers Committee (BLBC), District Consultative Committee (DCC), District Level Review Committee (DLRC), Standing Committee (SC) meetings are regularly conducted as per Reserve Bank guidelines in all the three Lead Districts. All our Lead District Managers are actively monitoring implementation of Annual Action Plan in close liaison with all the Banks in districts. They are also coordinating for implementation of drought relief measures as per latest RBI guidelines in close coordination with SLBC and branches. 3.20.1 Rural Self Employment Training Institute (RSETI) Rural Development and Self Employment Training Institute (RUDSETI ): The Bank has established RUDSETI type of training centres viz. MyBank Institute for Promotion of Self Employment and Development (MIPSED) at Tumkur. Similar Institute called JSS RUDSETI is established at Chamarajnagar in association with JSS Mahavidyapeetha. These Institutes have been established to impart entrepreneurial skill development and guidance to unemployed rural youth, to become gainfully self employed. We have also constructed our own building at MIPSED, Tumkur with financial grant from National institute of Rural Development (NIRD).Total number of 1,851 participants have been trained during 2015821116 with 67 settlement rate through financial assistance from Bank loans and their own resources. The participants have been trained under various Government sponsored schemes such as PMEGP, RGCY, DTP, Mobile servicing, Tailoring, Beautician courses, etc. Our RSETI has been awarded AA as per the latest rating released by Mo RD. 3.20.2 Regional Rural Bank Kaveri Grameena Bank Our Bank has sponsored Kaveri Grameena Bank (KGB) which is headquartered at Mysore. The Bank is operating in 10 districts of Karnataka viz. Mysore, Hassan, Chamrajanagar, Tumkur, Bangalore8211Urban, Bangalore8211 Rural, Ramangar, Chikmagalore, Kodagu and Mandya and crossed a land mark figure of 480 branches. Bank has opened 37 branches during 2015821116. All the branches are on CBS mode. The total business (deposits and advances) of KGB as at Mar16 stood at Rs.12,973 crs as compared to Rs.10,556 crs as at Mar15 registering a growth of Rs.2,417 crs (22.9). 3.20.3 SELF HELP GROUP (SHG) LENDING The Bank has credit linked 18936 groups with an advance of Rs.501.67 cr during the current year. Taking the cumulative total of such credit linkage programme to 1,83,552 groups with a financial outlay of Rs.3,122.04 cr up to 31.03.2016. As on 31.03.2016, there are 35,279 SHGs with an outstanding balance of Rs.810.81 cr. The Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India has launched National Rural Livelihood Mission by replacing SGSY scheme with effect from 01.04.2013. We have financed 17,042 women SHGs under National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) with an advance amount of Rs.451.50 crs during FY 2015821116 and as on 31.03.2016, there are around 31,751 women SHGs with an outstanding balance of Rs.729.72 cr. Necessary benefits have been passed on to all eligible women SHGs and claims for interest subvention have been lodged with NRLM Department of Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. The Bank has credit linked 916 Joint Liability Groups with an advance amount of Rs.11.97 crs during FY 2015821116 and as on 31.03.2016, there are 2,650 JLGs with an outstanding balance of Rs.33.69 crs 3.21. Financial Inclusion 3.21.1 Coverage Sub8211Service Areas Providing Bank has drawn Comprehensive Financial Inclusion Plan for 2013821116 covering 745 Sub8211Service Areas (SSAs), spread over 3,740 villages for providing banking outlets. Of the allotted 745 SSAs, the Bank has already covered 216 SSAs by Brick amp Mortar branches and 529 SSAs through Business Correspondent Agents. BCAs are extending the banking services to these villages and working as an extended arm of the Bank. 3.21.2 Implementation of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana: The Bank has opened 9,38,000 BSBD accounts under PMJDY up to Mar16 with a balance outstanding of Rs.82.22 crs. The total number of accounts opened since the inception of FI programme stood at 16.22 lacs with balance of Rs.128.77 crs. The Bank has successfully seeded 59.13 Aadhaar numbers in PMJDY accounts besides issuing 8,67,919 Rupay Cards to the PMJDY account holders.. 3.21.3 Other Financial Inclusion initiatives : i) The Bank is actively participating in Modified Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme for LPG (MDBTL) wherein the LPG subsidy is directly being credited to the Savings Bank account of the customers. ii) The Bank is the sponsoring Bank for credit of MGNREG wages to the accounts of beneficiaries in Karnataka State. iii) Bank is distributing Social Security Pensions to more than 62,000 beneficiaries under Electronic Benefit Transfer Programme of Govt. of Karnataka, with One District8211One Bank Model in Chamarajanagara district and One District8211Many Banks Model in the districts of Bellalry and Chitradurga. An amount of Rs.46.36 crs was disbursed to SSP beneficiaries through BC Agents during the FY 16. Bank has also actively participated in all 3 Social Security Schemes viz. PMSBY, PMJJBY and APY launched by Govt. of India, aimed at providing micro insurance coverage and pension to unorganizedrural sectors through bank accounts. Bank has opened 3.64 lac accounts under PMSBY, 1.99 lac accounts under PMJJBY besides large number of accounts under APY. 3.21.4 Financial Literacy : Bank has opened 22 Financial Literacy Centres across Karnataka. The Counsellors working in these centres are conducting regular camps in villages spreading Financial literacy to various target groups like farmers, SHG members, students etc. Our Counsellors also visit 115 skill centres (ITI s) mapped to these FLCs with the aim of spreading financial Literacy amongst the students of ITIs. 4. HUMAN RESOURCES: 4.1. Manpower Profile: The total manpower strength of the Bank as at March 2016 stood at 10,650, as against 10,193 in the previous year. The staff strength comprised 3,742 officers, 4,972 clerical staff and 1,936 subordinate staff. Of these, 874 are Ex8211defense personnel, 167 belong to physically handicapped category and 556 belong to the Minority community. 4.1.2. Womens Representation: As at March 2016, there were 3,029 Women employees (comprising 669 Officers and 2,560 Other Employees) in the Bank, compared to 2,891 as at March 2015 (comprising 543 Officers and 2,348 Other Employees). The share of women employees stood at 28.4 as at March 2016. The Bank continued to provide equal opportunity to women in their career progression. 4.1.3. Scheduled CastesScheduled As at March 2016, there were 1,877 Scheduled Caste employees, comprising 633 Officers, 786 Clerical Staff and 458 Subordinate staff. There were 682 Scheduled Tribe employees comprising 267 Officers, 299 Clerical staff and 116 Subordinate staff as at March 2016. All the guidelines of the Government of India for safeguarding the interests of SCST employees have been complied with. 4.1.4. Human Resources Management Solutions (HRMS): Bank has implemented Human Resources Management Solutions (HRMS) on 1st April 2010, to handle all HR activities in a phased manner. HRMS Cell was formed to integrate salary, perquisites, reimbursement and leave details of the employees. The cell has implemented salary, reimbursement of Annual Medical expenses, furniture supplied to officers, furniture maintenance charges, monthly reimbursements of perks, reimbursement of brief case expenses, besides sanction of increment through HRMS portal. Asset amp Liability Statement and Annual Appraisal Report are also implemented through HRMS. HRMS portal facilitates uploading of Annual Appraisal Report of officers which are reviewed and noted by respective authorities online. It is planned to integrate e8211learning portal Gnanodaya with HRMS site from FY17 onwards, so that lessons which are to be mandatorily attended gets automatically reflected in their Annual Appraisal Report. 4.2.1. Training Activities and Coverage: The Bank regards its employees as its critical amp valuable assets. To make the employees more competitive and knowledgeable in banking field, honing their skills is one of its priorities. With a view to achieve the desired goals and to establish highly professional work culture, Banks staff college at Jakkur and 3 learning centers at Bengaluru, Mysuru amp Hubballi are imparting training on wide spectrum of subjects viz. Advances and Deposits and knowledge about their various products, communication amp leadership skills, marketing, behavioral science, etc. Also to gain competitive edge in new technology being adopted by the Bank, several programmes on latest technology developments like Internet Banking, Mobile Banking and other alternate delivery channels are conducted regularly. 4.2.2. The training methodology of the Bank constantly aims at keeping its workforce pro8211active and customer centric, so that they can discharge their duties effectively in the challenging Banking scenario. Bank continues to focus on imparting training to maximum number of employees to update their skills amp knowledge periodically. Our staff college at Jakkur and Learning Centers at Bengaluru, Mysuru amp Hubballi have conducted in all 237 training workshops both functional and computer based programmes. During the year total 4,805 staff got trained at our Learning Centers. 4.2.3. The Bank regularly deputes officers, based on the job profiles, for training to Apex Training Institutes of SBI and other training institutes like NIBM, IIBF, College of Agricultural Banking8211 RBI (Pune), CAFRAL (Centre for Advanced Financial Research amp Learning), IDRBT, CRISIL etc. to hone their skills and update their knowledge. During the year, 1,026 officials were deputed to the Apex Institutes and external training institutes. 4.2.4. Keeping in view the need for imparting training in specialized areas, the Bank has also conducted several specialized training programmes workshops on MSME business, KYC ALM compliance, workshop for NPA training, Risk Management Awareness Workshop, Leadership Development Programme for Branch Managers, Skill Development Programme for Officers, Training for Retiring Staff, programme for 1st time Branch Managers, Stress Asset Management programme, Programme on agri credit, ADC programme, etc. 4.2.5. e8211learning (Gyanodaya): In addition to the class8211room training provided to employees at our Staff Learning Centres and ATIs, Bank had also launched an e8211learning portal Gyanodaya with the objective of imparting on8211line learning and training to all the employees of our Bank. SBM e8211Learning portal is available 24X7 and all 365 days on internet system and also on intranet system. The portal is made available to all our employees. The users can access read more than 300 lessons topics covering general banking, Alternate Delivery channels, credit management, agriculture, foreign exchange, behavioral science, etc. by which they can enrich their knowledge in all aspects of banking and can also do self8211evaluation by attending online tests. 4.2.6. Pre8211promotional training: Pre8211Promotion training programmes for SCSTOBC were conducted at the Learning Centers at Bengaluru amp Mysuru during the year, for eligible and aspiring candidates from Clerical to Officer cadre. During the year 112 employees belonging to SCSTOBC category were given training. Based on the feedback received the programmes were well appreciated by the participants. 4.2.7. Training to subordinate staff: To bring about awareness among the subordinate staff and to make them realize their potential amp importance in the organization, Bank has conducted exclusive training programme for 313 subordinate staff at our Learning Centres, Bengaluru, Mysuru amp Hubballi. 4.2.8. Training to retiring officers staff: To enable our retiring officers staff to lead a happy and peaceful retired life with inputs on financial planning matters, our Learning Center, Mysuru had conducted 12 special training programmes for retiring employees during the year 20158211 16 covering 452 employees. 4.2.9. Other Training Programmes: Training programmes were also conducted for newly promoted CMs AGMs, Specialized credit training programme for officials of HOCCNWCC ZOCCRO amp Specialized Training to officials of CPPC, Mangalore. 4.2.10 Roll out of new initiative8211 Mentoring of branches: Mentoring initiative is a process by which one person guides the development of individuals, seen as protgmentee. It is a part of a leaders role that has growth as its primary outcome. It enables to establish a partnership that helps the protg mentee to grow and deliver better results, through the process of collaboration, discussion and support. The mentor is to act as counselor, encourager, supporter, information provider but not the solution provider. With a view of improving the performance of the branches, more specifically the very old branches, this new initiative 8211 mentoring of branches is rolled out in our Bank with 18 top executives (DGMs and GMs) as mentors. Initially, it is rolled out in 36 select branches at Bengaluru city on pilot basis. 5. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS: 5.1 Terminal Benefits to Retired Staff: The Bank gives due importance to the timely settlement of terminal benefits to staff comprising of Gratuity, PF, Pension, either on reaching superannuation or on any other grounds. During the FY 20158211 16, as many as 570 members of staff have retired from the services of the Bank. 5.2 New Pension Scheme (NPS) Now known as National Pension System: Employees who have joined the services of the Bank w. e.f. 01.04.2010 are covered under the above scheme, which is governed by the provisions of the NPS introduced for employees of Central Government w. e.f. 01.04.2004 and modified from time to time. As at March 2016, as many as 3,570 employees have been covered under NPS. 5.3 Retired Employees Medical Benefit Scheme II (REMBS8211II): REMBS8211II, a scheme for reimbursement of medical expenses to employees retiring retired under superannuation was implemented w. e.f 15.12.2012, with an upper limit for claims ranging from Rs.2 lacs to Rs.20 lacs, based on eligibility criteria. This scheme is in addition to the already existing SBMREMB scheme with a ceiling of Rs.2 lacs. During 2015821116, the Bank has received 1,212 applications and disbursed amount of Rs.271.66 lacs 5.4 STAFF WELFARE ACTIVITIES : Central Staff Welfare Committee allocates funds for various staff welfare activities. The welfare measures provided to the members of the staff are. Holiday Homes, Group Insurance Cover, Scholarship Scheme, Farewell Scheme for the retiring employees, financial assistance to the employees with physicallymentally challenged children, Medical Expenses Reimbursement Scheme, Birthday Memento amp recurring expenses for Staff Welfare Activities. 6. Technology Up8211gradation amp Support Functions 6.1.1. ATM Rollout and performance: During FY16 we have installed 82 ATMs including 13 Brown Label ATMs taking the total number of ATM installed to 1,416 as part of State Bank Groups 56000 networked ATMs. In addition to basic services, value added services like Aadhar registration, LPG registration, Mobile Banking Registration, card to accountcard to card transfer and payment of donations are also made available. 6.1.2. Internet Banking: The number of registrations and volume of transactions through internet banking has seen a growth of 22 and 29 respectively during the year. The facility is available for visually challenged customers also. 6.1.3. Mobile Banking: Bank is offering Mobile Banking Services under the name State Bank Freedom to all its retail customers. The service includes enquiry, mini statements, top up and recharge, interbank fund transfer through NEFT and IMPS and bill payment facilities. There is a steady growth in the number of registrations and transactions by 192 and 28 respectively during FY16. The customers having Internet Banking connection can also transact from their mobile phone through a separate Mobile App State Bank Associate. In FY16 Bank also launched a separate Mobile App named SBM Virtual under which all Banking transactions and information available through different sites can be accessed at a single point. 6.1.4. Electronic Payment System: All branches of the Bank are enabled for RTGSNEFTGRPT remittance facility besides Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) and IMPS over Mobile Banking Platform. Percentage of all electronic transactions to Total transactions of the Bank is 48.95 as on 31.03.2016. 6.1.5. Banks Website : The Banks website statebankofmysore. co. in is a repository of information about the Bank, its products and schemes. Information on Schemes and products for various segments, besides online loan applications for Education, Housing, Car, Gold loan are available. Special links have been provided to access other relevant sites. A separate text version of the website is available for the benefit of the visually challenged customers in English. 6.1.6. Social Networking: Bank has uploaded the features of Banks products and technological initiatives on face book. 6.1.7. Digital Signage Solution: Digital Signage Solution is a method of providing information to our branch customers on various products and services displayed on LED screen at the branches. We have installed a centrally controlled online Digital Signage Solution at 999 branches and propose to extend the solution at the remaining branches during the FY 2016821117. 6.1.8. Cheque Truncation System (CTS): Cheque Truncation System (CTS) is basically an online image8211based cheque clearing system where cheque image are transmitted for effecting transaction obviating the need for physical movement of instrument. Bank has implemented CTS in MICR centers Branches located at Southern, Western and Northern grid. 6.1.9. Merchant Acquiring Business: Our Bank has started MAB sourcing and installing POS machines during March 2013. As on 31.03.2016 we have installed 5,021 POS machine across India and routed 25.23 lakhs in the FY 2015821116. We have also installed 440 Mobile type of POS machines (m8211POS) during 2015821116. 6.1.10. Cash Recycler Cash Deposit Cash Recycler is designed to accept deposits and dispense cash with dual functionality. We have installed 74 Cash Recyclers and 9 Cash Deposit Machines. 6.1.11. Barcode Based Passbook Printing Kiosk (BBPPK): We have rolled out a new product called as BBPPK. It is Passbook Printing self service machine working on Barcode Technology. As part of our endeavor to deliver a wide array of financial services and products to our customers, a state of the art outlet, named as e Touch was opened at Avenue Road, adjoining our Head Office during May 2015. 15 e8211Touch outlets have been installed by the Bank during FY16. 6.3. Information Security, Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery:8211 6.3.1. In the backdrop of growing complexity of financial products and the increased leveraging of technology, operational risks have assumed critical importance in recent times. The treatment of technology riskoperational risk as part of the movement towards Advanced Management approach is a manifestation of the significance of the risks in impacting the risk profile of a Bank. Keeping this in mind our Bank has adopted: a well8211defined IT Policy and IS security Policy, which is being periodically reviewed and updated. become a part of well8211established (common for State Bank Group) state8211of8211the art IT infrastructure which is certified as ISO 22301. is part of the Security Operations Centre for online monitoring of transactions. 6.3.2 Our Bank has taken proactive measures to respond to business discontinuities and ensure uninterrupted availability of all key business resources that support critical Banking functions. The Bank has adopted a well defined Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan Policy. Our Bank is part of a well established high8211end Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery infrastructure which ensures seamless continuity in case of need. The Disaster Recovery drill is being conducted on a half8211yearly basis, during which the transactions of our branches are routed through the DR site. In addition to this, the Bank has a nearby site to ensure zero data loss in the event of a disaster. The Bank has implemented Business Continuity Plan in all the branches and also in the administrative offices together with periodic reviews and updates. The Bank has also introduced Electronic Document Management System for safe keeping of documents in electronic form. 6.4. Management Information System (MIS): The MIS Department consolidates and maintains the Credit Information System (CIS) database apart from collating information from branches and Head Office Departments for submission of various statements to Reserve Bank of India like Basic Statistical Returns, Sectoral Deployment of Funds etc. The Department also provides information to the Top Management and other user Departments in Head Office 6.4.1. The scope of CIS has also been extended to submission of data to Credit Information Companies to whom the Department is submitting individual borrower8211wise credit information every month after due processing. In turn, the Credit Information Reports (CIRs), drawn from the CICs database, serve as important fraud prevention tool to the credit appraisalsanction functionaries. 6.4.2. The Department coordinates with SBI8211EDWP for submission of various reports validated from User Departments to RBI under Automated Data Flow (ADF) apart from collating logic information from Head Office User Departments and providing logic, source system to SBIEDWP for generating various reports. 6.4.3. The Department coordinates with CDC and the Centralized Credit Data Processing (CCDP) for facilitating data correction and improvement in data quality. 7. SYSTEMS AND PROCEDURES: Systems and Procedures Department is a special resource available at Head office for effective management of work organization by laying down and also framing suitable Systems and Procedures. The Department also vets process changes and reviews charges on the general service provided and modifies the same in accordance with the changing environment and aspirations of customers. The last such change was effected in Nov15. 7.1 The Department also undertakes revision of Delegation of Financial Powers to various functionaries and effect changes, with the approval of Top Management for effective supervision and smooth functioning of the organization. 8. CONTROL AND SUPERVISION 8.1. RISK MANAGEMENT : An independent Risk Governance structure is in place for Integrated Risk Management, covering Credit, Market and Operational Risks. This framework visualizes empowerment of business units at the operating level, with technology being the key driver, enabling identification and management of risk at the place of origination. 8.1.1 BASEL Implementation : The Bank has migrated to the Basel II framework, with the Standardized Approach for Credit Risk, Basic Indicator approach for Operational Risk and Standardized Measurement Method for Market Risk. Capital regulations under Basel III have come into effect in India w. e.f 01.04.2013. Bank has complied with both the norms and has maintained its capital adequacy above the RBI mandated level of 9 along with Tier8211I at 7. The Capital Adequacy Ratio computed as per Basel III guidelines effective from 1st April 2013 stands at 12.43 as at March 2016, against 11.42 as at March 2015. The CRAR of 12.43 consists of CET I of 9.01, AT8211I of 0.27 both forming TIER8211I Capital besides 3.15 of TIER8211II Capital. The CRAR under Basel II guidelines as at March 2016 stood at 12.93 as against 12.02 in the previous year. The Capital Adequacy ratio of the Bank increased mainly due to raising of Tier8211 II capital of Rs. 500 crs during the year and change in treatment of Deferred Tax Assets as per the recently revised RBI guidelines. 8.1.2 CREDIT RISK MANAGEMENT: Reserve Bank of India has issued guidelines on implementation of Internal Ratings Based Approach for calculation of capital charge for Credit Risk in Dec 2011 and our Bank has accordingly applied for permission to RBI for migrating to Advanced Approach for Credit Risk under Basel II. The Bank has submitted Letter of Intent to RBI in terms of the guidelines detailing therein the models for developed for risk assessment and computation for different components viz. Probability of Default Estimation (PD), Loss Given Default (LGD) amp Exposure at Default (EAD) besides adoption of Basel II compliant policies approved by the Board of Directors. The Bank has received a response from RBI in July 2013, advising the Bank to further strengthen the areas of IRB framework before the commencement of parallel run process for Foundation IRB (FIRB) approach. As part of group synergy, State Bank Group is in the process of implementing the latest version of Oracle Financial Service Analytical Applications (OFSAA) with enhanced functionality, which will enable the Bank to have an enterprise wide, integrated view of risk and finance under various areas including the technology for risk engine. 8.1.4 MARKET RISK MANAGEMENT : Bank is using Standardized Measurement Method (SMM) for computation of capital charge and the necessary systems for migration to IMA are in place. The Bank has submitted Letter of Intent to RBI in Oct 2013 for migration to IMA. The Bank would be on parallel run for computation of capital charge under both SMM amp IMA, after the approval from RBI. 8.1.5. OPERATIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT: Reserve Bank of India has prescribed three approaches for computing capital charge for Operational Risk, viz. a) Basic Indicator Approach (BIA) b) The Standardized Approach (TSA) c) Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA) Currently the Bank is following the Basic Indicator Approach. As per AMA guidelines, Banks are allowed to switch over from BIA to AMA directly. Bank is endeavoring to move directly to the Advanced Measurement Approach in view of the minimal changes in capital requirement under TSA, as compared to BIA. All the policies and documents have been reviewed, as suggested by our consultants, to meet minimum required standards. A Letter of Intent (LOI) was submitted to Reserve Bank of India in Oct 2013, seeking permission to migrate to AMA. However, as per the communication received from RBI, the AMA application has been put on hold till a detailed assessment is completed in respect of similar application by SBI. The Operational Risk Management Department (ORMD) has been organizing training programmes for creating awareness among officers about Basel II requirements, Operational Risk Management, Advanced Measurement Approach for Capital Computation and Fraud Prevention Measures. 8.1.6. ASSET LIABILITY MANAGEMENT: The Asset Liability Management Committee (ALCO) of the Bank is entrusted with the task of managing liquidity and interest rate risk. The committee meets regularly to monitor the risks and Net Interest Margin (NIM) on an ongoing basis. The tolerance limits for liquidity mismatches and interest rate risks are fixed in accordance with RBI guidelines and Banks ALM Policy and reviewed by ALCO at regular intervals. Various interest rate revisions, revision of Base Rate and possible mismatches in the Structural Liquidity projections of the Bank are also discussed and appropriate decisions are taken. 9. BUSINESS PROCESS RE8211ENGINEERING (BPR): Bank has rolled out various BPR initiatives since 2005, in consonance with the design principles provided by SBI. The BPR initiatives leverage technology to significantly enhance customers satisfaction and convenience. So far 19 BPR initiatives have been rolled8211out. Loan Origination Software for processing of Retail Loans has been successfully implemented in our Bank at Bangalore, Mysore and Delhi Centres besides other Metro centres. The software has been extended to other UrbanSemi8211Urban centres and we plan to roll8211out completely by September 2016, thereby cutting down the processing period besides improving the quality of the processing and asset. The Bank also opened another RACPC at Bengaluru to meet the requirement of expanding network. 9.1. The Central Pension Processing Centre (CPPC) : The Central Pension Processing Centre (CPPC) is functioning at Mangalore and pensionarrears of pension has been disbursed to 1,56,953 pensioners online throughout the Bank. CPPC is now using SBI package for disbursing Central Government pensions. We have also introduced system of online submission of Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Praman), whereby pensioners can submit life certificate from the comfort of their house after seeding their Aadhar amp Mobile numbers with the Bank. Centralised deduction of Income Tax on pensions beyond taxable limit, effected from October 2015. 9 .2. Our Centralized Clearing Processing Centres (CCPCs) at Bangalore, Mysore, Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai undertake entire clearing work of all branches through decentralized Model of Cheque Truncation System of clearing thus obviating the necessity of physical transfer of cheques as per the directions received from Reserve Bank of India in this regard. GOK have announced plans to completely switch over to CTS mode in respect of Govt cheques also and do away with Paper to Follow procedure, whereas GOI have already shifted to CTS mode w. e.f. February3916. Now, the entire clearing process is being migrated to WebCTS with only 1 production centre at each of the 3 grids Viz, Northern, Western and Southern grids. Accordingly work is underway to integrate the clearing process of Bengaluru, Mysuru, Chennai, Mangalore centres besides Service Branches at Hubballi and Kolkata into Bangalore centre and close down other centers. This will further speed up the clearing process without the need for physical movement of cheques. All branches have been provided with Scanners to upload the image as and when received. CCPC Bengaluru has been identified as the Nodal Branch for National Automated Clearing House (NACH) and also for Mandate Management. With migration to CTS mode, on decentralised basis and only 1 operative centre at each grid, Service Branches at Hubballi, Kolkata and Hyderabad have been closed down and their residual functions shifted to the main branches. 9.3 Currency Administration Cells: Rollout of 2 Currency Administration Cells at Tumakuru and Hoskote has been completed during the year. We are planning to add 3 more CACs at Puttur, Hassan and Mandya in FY 17. 10. AUDIT AND INSPECTION The overall objective of Internal Audit is to contribute to the effectiveness of the Internal Control System in achieving the Banks objectives, besides providing high quality counsel to management on the effectiveness of Risk Management and Regulatory compliance by the Bank. Towards this end, Risk Focused Internal Audit (RFIA) and IS Audit were conducted in all the 680 branchesBPR entities, envisaged in the Annual Audit Plan 2015821116. That apart, 104 newly opened branches were subjected to Spot Audit, besides 8 Head Office departments. We have also conducted Management Audit of 3 Zonal Offices, 2 Regional offices and 3 Networks. During 2015821116, 99 of our branches have secured Well Controlled Adequately Controlled rating and none rated as Unsatisfactory. However, 6 branches have slipped from Adequately Controlled to Moderately Controlled rating as on Mar16 and we are taking steps to strengthen compliance level at these branches also. 10.1.2 Concurrent Audit is a major function which monitors proper follow8211up of laid down systems and procedures on a continuous basis. 212 branchesoffices covering 53 of aggregate deposits and 69 of total advances and 8 Head Office departments were subjected to Concurrent Audit during this year. 10.1.3 We also conduct Special Revenue Audit every year to guard against income leakage. 365 branches with advances level of more than Rs.20 crs and income leakage of Rs.5 Lacs and above were subjected to Special Revenue Audit (as against 462 branches during the previous year). The total income leakage detected was Rs.538.11 lacs and fully recovered subsequently. The summary findings enumerated in these audit reports are appraised to the Audit Committee of the Board and follow up actions are ensured. 10.2 Credit Audit: The audit of loan appraisal and administration for high value credit accounts with the aim of improving the asset quality of the Bank is undertaken by the Credit Audit Department. Accounts with total exposure of Rs.2 cr and above are covered under Credit Audit. During the financial year 1,132 loan accounts in 175 branches were covered under Credit Audit, of which 968 accounts (85) were rated as Low and Very Low Risk accounts. Vigilance administration as an important aspect of management function is carried out as per the directives of the Central Vigilance Commission so as to achieve good Corporate Governance for the overall growth of the Bank 10.3.1. Whistle Blower policy has been introduced in our Bank for the employees to report to the Management, instances of unethical behavior, actual or suspected fraud or violation of the Banks code of conduct or ethics policy. 10.3.2. The officers from Vigilance Department conducted surprise inspections of 52 officesbranches during the year under report. The main areas of scrutiny are adherence to systems and procedures, rotation of staff and deficiencies in fraud8211prone areas. The deviations and other irregularities are brought to the notice of the ModuleRegional Heads for taking corrective actions. Vigilance Department is bringing out a Quarterly House Magazine, which contains vital information on vigilance related matters useful to the operating staff. 10.3.3 In accordance with the guidelines of the Central Vigilance Commission, the Vigilance Awareness Week was observed at all the offices of the Bank from 26th October 2015 to 31st October 2015. The focus of observing the Vigilance Awareness Week was Preventive Vigilance as a tool of Good Governance. Seminars and meetings were conducted, wherein information relating to evolving and effectively implementing preventive techniques in vigilance administration, which includes transparency, accountability and fair play, objectivity and timely response in dealing with matters relating to public administration etc. were explained to customersStaff members. The role of leveraging of technology in respect of all systems and process for deliverance of services to be synchronized through use of technology, was strongly emphasized. The valedictory function was held on 31st October 2015 and addressed by Shri. T. M.Bhasin, Vigilance Commissioner, CVC, Chief Guest on the occasion. 10.3.4 Fraud Monitoring and Investigation Cell (FMIC): The Fraud Monitoring and Investigation Cell (FMIC), functioning under the administrative control of the General Manager amp CVO, monitors certain critical areas of branch functioning on regular basis. Thrust is laid for taking certain preventive measures by monitoring various exceptional reports generated through CBS covering transactions related to expenditure, advances, manual debits to interest ac besides all other unusual transaction including those reported in Sundays and holidays. During FY15821116, two officers have been honored with Staff Alertness Award in recognition of their contribution in preventing and detection of frauds. 10.3.5 Special committee of the Bank in terms of RBI has been constituted for monitoring and follow8211up of high value frauds of Rs.1 cr and above. The committee besides monitoring and follow8211up is tasked to identify, systemic lacunae, reasons for delay in detection, ensuring staff accountability besides efficacy of the remedial measure. The committee held 2 meetings during FY15821116. 11. OTHER ASPECTS: 11.1 Customer Grievance Redressal: 8211 The Bank has also implemented a friendly Customer Redressal System called SMS UNHAPPY to facilitate customers air their grievancescomplaints feed back by simply sending an SMS message UNHAPPY to 99 0002 0002. The banks dedicated staff from Happy Room call back the customers for speedy redressal of their grievance. 11.2 Complaint Management System (CMS) package: The Bank has implemented a three tier automated system for complaints management and monitoring and resolution. All the complaints received at the BranchesRegional Offices ZonesNetworks and Head Office level are lodged in a common digital platform. The complaints are acknowledged with a unique number on their receipt. Presently, the acknowledgements are being sent through e8211mails registered by the complainants with us or by post 11.3 Contact Centre : State Bank of Mysore has established a dedicated SBM Contact Centre to provide information on Products and Services of the Bank besides status of customers account through a toll free number 1800821142582112244 accessible throughout the country. The information is provided in English, Hindi and Kannada languages 24x7x365 basis. Further, as a part of the initiative, Lead Management System (LMS) launched in our Bank generate leads through customer calls helpline No.1800 425 2244 which are forwarded to the concerned branches, and converted into business. A missed call SMS, from the mobile number of the customer registered in the account with the Bank, is accepted as an authorized request to provide convenient, cost effective and prompt basic banking services. Initially following facilities have been introduced: i) Balance Enquiry of registered account ii) Mini Statement of registered account iii) Blocking of ATM card 11.5. Customer Services Committee of the Board: The Bank has put in place Standing Committee on Customer Service and Customer Service Committee of the Board are in place to oversee the implementation of Customer service initiativesdirections of Government of IndiaReserve Bank of India. Standing Committee on Customer Service held 4 meetings on 21.05.2015, 15.09.2015, 14.12.2015 amp 12.02.2016 during the year. The Customer Service Committee of the Board has met thrice on 26.05.2015, 31.12.2015 and 14.03.2016 during the year. A Chief Customer Service Officer (CCSO), an internal ombudsman has been appointed in the Bank w. e.f 20.11.2015 in terms of RBI directive as part of the move towards the objective of attaining zero tolerance to customer complaints. 11.6. Right to Information Act, 2005: Revised list of Central Public Information Officers (CPIOs) and Appellate Authorities (AAs) made available in Bank39s website and also circularized. Business per employee increased from Rs.11.72 crs as at March 2015 to Rs.11.84 crs as at March 2016. The Business per branch has marginally increased from Rs.117.75 crs in March 2015 to Rs.121.55 crs in March 2016 due to our policy of not aggressively marketing bulkcorporate business besides addition of 25 new branches opened during the year. 11.8. Public Relations 11.8.1. Banks publicity has been effectively carried out through the medium of attractive hoardings, press advertisements, banner displays, glow sign displays at Kempegowda International Airport Limited, Railway Station and Bus Stations in important citiestowns and advertisements on modern bus shelters, etc. Customers meetings were conducted especially in rural centers to project the image of the Bank and publicize the advantages of thrift and timely repayment of Bank loans. 11.8.2. LCD based Video hoarding in the Head Office compound covers the entire spectrum of banking activity with attractive messages on products and services with periodical updates on interest rates etc. Messages having social content are also displayed. 11.8.3. The Bank has been actively participating in various State8211level seminars, District utsavas, fruit and flower shows, music, cultural and sporting events at various districts taluks. This brings us closer to society and enhances our Brand Image. Bank has been participating in the Karnataka Rajyotsava function and sponsoring SBM Tableau in Dasara Parade at Mysuru, which is appreciated by one and all. 11.8.4. The hoardings installed at vantage points were periodically changed with attractive themes, greeting the public on festivals with our latest depositslending schemes, revision of interest rates etc. Special media campaigns covering the various loans schemes, special offer in housing, vehicle, gold loans and MSME loans under CGTMSE scheme, other retails loans and new deposit schemes like Savings Bank, Term Deposit, Personal Accident Insurance, Vidyarthi Sanchay were carried out periodically in the print and electronic media and through hoardings. 11.8.5. Banks performance highlights, launching of new products and services, opening of new branches, ATMs, BPR initiatives and technological achievements were also extensively covered in print and electronic media. 12.4. Organizational Development 12.4.1. Branch Expansion: The Bank has opened 25 new branches during the FY 2015821116. With this, the Banks network of branches stands at 1,037 spread over 17 States and 1 Union Territory. The branch network comprised 243 Metro, 225 Urban, 228 Semi8211Urban and 341 Rural branches. 12.4.2 After effective implementation of CTS system, 3 Service Branches at Kolkata, Hubli and Hyderabad have been closed with their residual work transferred to Cells attached to nearest branches. 12.4.3 Branches in Minority Concentrated Districts Centers (MCDs) Under Banked Districts: During the year, the Bank has opened 4 branches in Minority Concentrated DistrictsCenters and 1 branch in Under8211Banked Districts. As at March 2016, out of 1,037 branches, the Bank has 90 branches in MCDs constituting 8.7 of the branch network and 114 branches in Under8211Banked Districts, constituting 11 of the branch network. 12.5. Implementation of Official Language Policy: Bank is progressively encouraging usage of Hindi and Regional Languages to facilitate ease of doing business to the customers in the language of their choice. Constant efforts are being made to create healthy atmosphere for use of Official Language. For progressive use of Hindi, our Bank39s Website is also made available in Hindi and also Kannada with constant updates from time to time. The option of Hindi and Regional Language is provided in all ATMs of our Bank along with generation of transaction slips in Hindi. Hindi facility has been made available in Mobile Banking also. For enriching knowledge of Hindi of our Staff, separate Quarterly Hindi Magazine MYBANK BHASHADARSHINI is being published regularly. During the year under review, the parliamentary committee on official language inspected Head Office, Bangalore on 07.01.2016 and appreciated our efforts made for the progressive use of Hindi in our Bank. 12.5.1 Head Office received an EXCELLENCE CERTIFICATE and a SHIELD by the Town Official Language Implementation Committee (Banks), Bangalore for the special efforts made by the Bank in the field of Official Language Implementation. Mysore, Hubli, Central and Mangalore Zones also received awards from respective Town Official Language Implementation Committees. Under the aegis of Government of India, Hindi Sanghosti and Hindi Seminars were organised at various places apart from organising Functional and Computer Workshops at various places. 12.6. Community Services Banking: Our Bank as a caring and responsible corporate entity is conscious of the nurturing we have received from society and are alive aware of our duty to payback a fraction of what we have received from them as a sense of gratitude. As per the Government of India guidelines, bank is authorized to spend 1 of its net profit towards Community Service activities by making equitable donations to any organization engaged in Community Development activity with a clean image and good track records. Such donations are made without any strings attached. 12.6.1 During FY16, Bank had undertaken various activities programmes include conduct of health camps, tree planting programme, sponsoring Taluk and district level sports, donating text books, utensils, table and writing benches, blankets to orphanages, equipments to children with special needs, sponsored prevention of cancer awareness programmes etc. 12.6.2 Bank also participated in the Swachchh Bharat Abhiyaan and donated Rs.26.10 lac for constructing Green Toilet to rural schools besides contribution of Rs.10 lacs for rejunevation and development of lakes situated in Mysuru. 15. NOMINATION FACILITY TO SHAREHOLDERS OF OUR BANK. As per the SBM General Regulations, 2015, nomination facility is available to all the physical shareholders of our Bank. As of now, the nomination facility is automatically available to those shareholders in demat form, who may avail the facility at their option. Nomination forms have been made available in the Banks Website. Moreover the forms have been dispatched to all the eligible shareholders by post 16. REMUNERATION COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD A meeting of the Remuneration Committee was held on 25th May 2015 at Bengaluru, with the following members present, to approve payment of incentives to the Top Executives as per GOISBI directives. i) Shri Ramasubramanian. S Non8211Official Director ii) Shri K. Gururaj Acharya Non8211Official Director iii) Shri J. S.Phaugat Government Nominee Director iv) Shri Murli Radhakrishnan RBI, Nominee Director Based on the parameters fixed in the performance evaluation matrix, the Remuneration Committee evaluated the Performance of the Bank and approved payment of Performance Linked Incentive for FY 14821115 as per table below The evaluation report together with the minutes of the meeting was placed before the Board, at its meeting held on 30.07.2015, for information. 17. Board of Directors 2015821116 Shri Neeraj Vyas, Chief General Manager (AampS). SBI, was nominated as a Director on the Board of the Bank representing SBI under Section 25(1)(c) of SBI (Subsidiary Banks) Act 1959, with effect from 24.08.2015 in place of Shri B. Ramesh Babu Shri Ravi Nandan Sahay, Chief General Manager, (AampS), SBI was nominated as a Director on the Board of the Bank representing SBI under Section 25(1) (c) of SBI (Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959, with effect from 28.08.2015 in place of Shri Ramesh Chandra Srivastava. Shri Vijay Kumar Monga, General Manager (AampS), SBI was nominated as a Director on the Board of the Bank representing SBI under Section 25(1) (c) of SBI (Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959, with effect from 30.09.2015. Shri S Selvakumar, Under Secretary, Department of Financial Services, Government of India, New Delhi, was nominated as Government Nominee Director on the Board of the Bank under Section 25(1)(e) of SBI (Subsidiary Banks) Act 1959, with effect from 15.06.2015 in place of Shri J. S.Phaugat. Consequent to the expiry of the term of Shri S Ramasubramanian on 14th February, 2016, Dr. K Lakshmisha has been elected as Shareholder Director on the Board of the Bank, under section 25(1)(d) of SBI (Subsidiary Banks) Act 1959, with effect from 15th February 2016. Shri K Guruswamy, Officer Employee Director, ceased to be the Director on the Board with effect from 30.07.2015 vide GOI letter No.3620138211BO.1 dated 30.07.2015. The Board places on record its appreciation for the invaluable services rendered by Shri B Ramesh Babu, CGM (AampS), and Shri Ramesh Chandra Srivastava, General Manager (AampS), SBI, Shri K Guruswamy, Officer Employee Director, Shri S Ramasubramanian, Shareholder Director and Shri. J. S.Phaugat, GOI Nominee Director. The Board welcomes the new Directors. The Board wishes to place on record its sincere appreciation of the patronage and support of the customers, shareholders, members of staff, Employees Union and Officers Association for their contribution to the overall development of the Bank. By the Order of the Board State Bank of Mysore has informed the Exchange that the Government of India has issued the following Order Dated February 22, 2017, under sub-section (2) of Section 35 of the State Bank of India Act, 1955. Acquisition of State Bank of Mysore Order 2017. In terms of the said order, the entire undertaking of State Bank of Mysore (SBM) shall stand transferred to and vested in the State Bank of India from April 01, 2017. By NSE on 23 Feb 2017 00:00 AM State Bank of Mysore has informed BSE that the UFBU has called for an All India Bank Strike on February 28, 2017. In the event of the strike taking place, the normal Banking operations in our Bank may get affected on February 28, 2017. By BSE on 22 Feb 2017 16:51 PM By NSE on 22 Feb 2017 00:00 AM State Bank of Mysore has informed the Exchange regarding Payments of Yearly Interest on SBM Bonds. By NSE on 20 Feb 2017 00:00 AM Institutional Investor Meet State Bank of Mysore has informed the Exchange that the Government of India has issued the following Order Dated February 22, 2017, under sub-section (2) of Section 35 of the State Bank of India Act, 1955. Acquisition of State Bank of Mysore Order 2017. In terms of the said order, the entire undertaking of State Bank of Mysore (SBM) shall stand transferred to and vested in the State Bank of India from April 01, 2017. By NSE on 23 Feb 2017 00:00 AM State Bank of Mysore has informed BSE that the UFBU has called for an All India Bank Strike on February 28, 2017. In the event of the strike taking place, the normal Banking operations in our Bank may get affected on February 28, 2017. By BSE on 22 Feb 2017 16:51 PMBest Currency Exchange Service in Mysore Period Money Exchange In Mysore BookMyForex is the first website of its kind that allows you to book a currency exchange or private remittance order online. Were revolutionizing the way foreign exchange in Mysore is bought and sold. For the first time, currency exchange in Mysore can be ordered online and the order can be completed at a partner bank location or at one of BookMyForexs own locations that are present in most major neighborhoods including but not exclusive to MG Road, Indiranagar, Jayanagar, Koramangala, Whitefield etc. Better still, order your forex online and receive your forex (or Indian rupee in exchange of your forex) at your home office itself. BookMyForex lets you: Buy foreign exchange - Get foreign currency by paying Indian Rupees Mysore Sell foreign currency - Sell us your foreign currency and receive Indian Rupees in Mysore Transfer Money From India - Send money from India to any foreign country Why Use BookMyForexs Money Changing service Exchange foreign currency at better rates than banks, airports and money exchangers in Mysore Real-time, transparent and always competitive exchange rates. Tidak ada lagi tingkat tawar-menawar Kemampuan untuk membekukan nilai tukar. Tidak ada kejutan, tidak ada pengecualian Ubah mata uang Anda langsung di cabang bank. Avoid unscrupulous money exchangers in Mysore and get authentic currency. Dijamin hari yang sama atau hari berikutnya layanan pengiriman pintu. Gratis pengiriman untuk pesanan lebih dari Rs. 75.000 Kemampuan untuk menyelesaikan pesanan Anda dari ratusan lokasi di seluruh India Hemat produk-produk terkait perjalanan lainnya seperti asuransi perjalanan dan kartu panggil internasional Dapatkan penghargaan loyalitas dan penghargaan yang menakjubkan. Dapatkan setiap kali Anda merujuk teman anggota keluarga. Save on every subsequent order Fanatical customer support - With BookMyForex you can expect nothing but the best service possible BookMyForex was created by some of the most well known individuals in the Indian forex market. CEO kami memiliki pengalaman yang luar biasa di pasar valuta asing perbankan India dan dia dikaitkan dengan memperkenalkan layanan valuta asing (FES) sebagai bisnis baru yang vertikal di bank-bank India. BookMyForex was designed to work completely in tandem with some of the largest and most reputed banks in India. Through our one-of-a-kind tie-up with these banks, customer can complete their orders at one of over 2500 bank branches across India while availing rates that are better than what can be offered by any currency exchanger in Mysore. Also, due to our partner banks strict currency inspection process, you can be sure that the currency you get will be completely authentic something a local money changer in Mysore can never guarantee. For the first time in India, BookMyForex shows you live and real-time currency exchange rates 24x7. Unlike other money exchangers in Mysore that apply the same rate of exchange the whole day, BookMyForex allows you to book a currency exchange order in Mysore at the live and transparent rates always available on our site. Kami bahkan mengizinkan Anda membekukan tingkat suku bunga ini di situs kami sehingga Anda menilai persis harga yang Anda lihat. Equipped with an array of never-before-seen features, BookMyForex uses a unique blend of technology, vast nationwide presence and a keen customer focus to offer our customers the best currency exchange in Mysore. Click on the button below to get started with your forex order. Best Foreign Currency Exchange Service in Bangalore Money Exchange In Bangalore BookMyForex is Indias first full-featured online currency exchange and private remittances portal. Apakah merevolusi cara devisa di Bangalore dibeli dan dijual. Untuk pertama kalinya, pertukaran mata uang di Bangalore dapat dipesan secara online dan pesanan dapat diselesaikan di lokasi bank mitra atau di salah satu lokasi BookMyForex sendiri yang hadir di kebanyakan lingkungan utama termasuk namun tidak eksklusif untuk MG Road, Indiranagar, Jayanagar, Koramangala, Whitefield dll. Lebih baik lagi, pesanlah forex anda secara online dan dapatkan forex anda (atau rupee India dengan imbalan forex anda) di kantor rumah anda sendiri. Penukaran mata uang di Bangalore BookMyForex adalah Indias pasar forex online terbesar dan terbesar yang telah merevolusi cara transaksi forex dilakukan di India. Tidak mungkin ada cara yang lebih mudah dan lebih mudah untuk melakukan transaksi pertukaran mata uang di Bangalore, itu juga dengan nilai tukar mata uang terbaik yang dijamin Hanya beberapa klik di laptop Anda atau beberapa keran di telepon Anda, dan transaksi forex Anda selesai. Layanannya yang sederhana yang ditawarkan oleh BookMyForex Kami adalah one-stop-shop untuk semua produk forex, menawarkan kemudahan dan nilai terbaik untuk uang dalam prosesnya. Dengan kami Anda dapat: Beberapa produk yang ditawarkan meliputi mata uang asing, kartu perjalanan prabayar, cek perjalanan, asuransi perjalanan, pengiriman uang melalui transfer kawat dan draf permintaan mata uang asing dll. BookMyForex memungkinkan Anda: Beli valuta asing - Dapatkan mata uang asing dengan membayar Rupee India Bangalore Menjual mata uang asing - Jual mata uang asing Anda dan dapatkan Rupee India di Bangalore Transfer Uang Dari India - Kirim uang dari India ke negara asing Mengapa Memilih BookMyForex untuk Currency Exchange Harga pasar langsung - Tidak ada lagi tingkat tawar-menawar untuk pertukaran mata uang di Bangalore , Karena Anda bisa bertransaksi dengan harga pasar langsung dan real-time yang tidak dapat mengalahkan suku bunga terbaik yang Dijamin - Menukar mata uang asing dengan harga yang lebih baik daripada bank, bandara dan penukar uang di Bangalore. Yang terpenting, ada nol biaya tersembunyi dan komisi. Nol kerepotan - Untuk meminimalkan kesengsaraan Anda, kami bahkan menyaring semua penawaran yang ditawarkan untuk transaksi Anda dan memilih vendor yang menawarkan tarif terbaik untuk memproses pesanan Anda Membekukan tingkat Bayar hanya 2 dimuka untuk mengunci tingkat bunga yang Anda anggap sesuai dan bayar. Saldo dalam 3 hari kerja berikutnya setelah menyelesaikan dokumen yang diperlukan. Mata uang otentik - Ubah mata uang Anda langsung di cabang bank atau melalui penukar mata uang resmi RBI. Penyampaian pesanan di rumah - Dapatkan pesanan Anda dikirimkan pada hari yang sama. Pesanan Rs. 75.000 dan lebih dikirimkan secara gratis. Tie-up dengan bank-bank terkemuka dan penukar mata uang Untuk memastikan Anda mendapatkan harga terbaik dan layanan yang lebih baik lagi, kami telah terikat dengan larangan dan penukar mata uang terbaik dalam bisnis ini. Jaringan distribusi terbesar Untuk memastikan produk kami mudah dijangkau, kami telah bekerja tanpa kenal lelah untuk membangun jaringan distribusi dari 5000 cabang mitra. Jumlahnya masih terus bertambah. Penawaran dan diskon menarik Dapatkan lebih banyak uang dengan paket combo dan penawaran dan diskon tak terkalahkan. Untuk melengkapi semuanya, ada penghargaan Loyalitas dan Rujukan - Dapatkan setiap saat Anda mereferensikan anggota keluarga teman dan simpan setiap pesanan berikutnya. Standar pelayanan terbaik Bersama kami, tidak ada kompromi terhadap standar pelayanan. Yakinlah sepenuhnya akan pengalaman tanpa kerumitan yang akan membuat Anda kembali ke Pasar Buku Devisa lebih banyak, BookMyForex diciptakan oleh beberapa individu paling terkenal di pasar forex India. CEO kami memiliki pengalaman yang luar biasa di pasar valuta asing perbankan India dan dia dikaitkan dengan memperkenalkan layanan valuta asing (FES) sebagai bisnis baru yang vertikal di bank-bank India. BookMyForex bekerja bergandengan tangan dengan bank dengan layanan terbesar dan paling berorientasi layanan di India. Melalui ikatan satu lawan satu dengan bank-bank ini, pelanggan dapat menyelesaikan pesanan mereka di salah satu dari lebih dari 2.500 cabang bank di seluruh India sementara availing rates yang lebih baik daripada yang dapat ditawarkan oleh penukar mata uang manapun di Bangalore. Selanjutnya, berkat bank mitra kami proses pemeriksaan mata uang yang teliti, Anda dapat yakin mendapatkan mata uang asli dan asli. Ini adalah sesuatu yang bisa dilakukan oleh penukar uang yang lebih kecil di Bangalore. Cara mendapatkan Keunggulan BookMyForex Dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur yang tidak pernah dilihat sebelumnya, BookMyForex menggunakan perpaduan teknologi yang unik, kehadiran nasional yang luas dan fokus pelanggan yang tajam untuk menawarkan kepada pelanggan kami pertukaran mata uang terbaik di Bangalore. Nilai Tukar Mata Uang Terbaik di Bangalore BookMyForex, untuk pertama kalinya di India, memungkinkan Anda melihat nilai tukar mata uang real-time secara online setiap saat sepanjang hari. Tidak seperti penukar uang lainnya di Bangalore yang menerapkan tingkat pertukaran yang sama sepanjang hari, BookMyForex memungkinkan Anda memesan pesanan pertukaran mata uang di Bangalore dengan harga langsung dan transparan yang selalu tersedia di situs kami. Kami bahkan mengizinkan Anda membekukan tingkat suku bunga ini di situs kami sehingga Anda menilai persis harga yang Anda lihat. Dilengkapi dengan berbagai fitur yang tidak pernah dilihat sebelumnya, BookMyForex menggunakan perpaduan unik antara teknologi, kehadiran nasional yang luas dan fokus pelanggan yang tajam untuk menawarkan kepada pelanggan kami pertukaran mata uang terbaik di Bangalore. Mulailah dengan perintah forex anda dengan mengklik tombol di bawah ini. Untuk memulai order forex anda, klik tombol di bawah ini.

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